The Wilsons 1 Teacher's Book accompanies The Wilsons 1 Student's Book. Lesson-by-lesson, it provides everything the teacher needs to make best use of the material in The Wilsons 1 Student's Book.
The Wilsons 1 Teacher's Book contains
clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from The Wilsons 1Student's Book.
background information on many of the reading texts, and other materials that refer to real things.
suggestions for extension activities and teaching tips.
the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in The Wilsons 1 Student's Book.
photocopiable tasks for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of revising prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in The Wilsons 1 Student's Book.
photocopiable songsheets for the songs which appear in every module of The Wilsons 1 Student's Book.
photocopiable worksheets for each episode of the ongoing story, The Wonderful Wilsons.
the keys for The Wilsons 1 Workbook and The Wilsons 1 Test Book as well as the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tests included in The Wilsons 1 Test Book.