The year 2011 was the centenary anniversary of Alexandros Papadiamandis's death. The event was honoured throughout Greece with numerous celebrations and commemorations of the man and his work, not only in the main cities and urban centres of the country but also in small towns and villages.
It was our wish also to mark this centenary with the publication of the second volume of his Selected Short Stories in English translation, a project which had been planned in three volumes and inaugurated in 2007 with the publication of Volume I entitled The Boundless Garden. Unfortunately, this was also the time that Greece was entering a deep financial crisis and there were insufficient funds to underwrite this substantial project. Nevertheless, in collaboration with the Municipality of Skiathos, the birthplace of Papadiamandis, a new translation of his novella 'The Murderess', considered by many his finest story, was published in our series in celebration of this important literary event. [...] (From the publisher)
Οικογένεια: Πεζογραφία
Ομάδα: Ελληνική Πεζογραφία
Κατηγορία: Νεοελληνική πεζογραφία μεταφράσεις