Alfred is just another ordinary teenager. Or so he thinks until his life turns upside down. His father is found dead, his mother is murdered and his brother is abducted. Alfred is the only one who can save him. But how? What should he do? What can he do, when he discovers that nothing is as he thought? Everything is part of a plan. A plan that has been kept secret through the centuries. A plan that will either save the world or seal its doom. Alfred can't be certain of anything. He only knows one thing. What he has been told: All the answers he is searching for are waiting for him there. At an ancient Empire hidden inside the moon.
Οικογένεια: Πεζογραφία
Ομάδα: Ελληνική Πεζογραφία
Κατηγορία: Νεοελληνική πεζογραφία μεταφράσεις